Dear Nurses

Monday, December 01, 2008


Updated 5/24
Dear nurses,

Dear is no longer available.
New information and links have been added.

Scenario: Tim visits his doctor. He explains that he
has been feeling fatigued, with aching in the joints.
He has also been experiencing  chest pain on exertion
and a "feverish" feeling. This has been going on for
about two weeks.

This morning , he woke up with a rash over the nose
and ulcers in the mouth. A " butterfly rash" may appear
on the nose of the patient with lupus.The doctor agrees
to run some tests to confirm a diagnosis.

What is SLE?
SLE is considered to be an autoimmune condition.
 It may effect more than one organ in the body. In
this condition, the immune system seems to attack
its own body cells.

Signs and symptoms of SLE:
- fever , rash (butterfly rash)
- fatigue , achy joints
- pleuritic chest pain

Anti inflammatory drugs, corticosteriods  and anti-
malaria drugs are used in the treatment.

What is Multiple Sclerosis?
Multiple Sclerosis is a very debilitating illness which affects the
Central Nervous System. It is considered to be an autoimmune
disease. Learn more: Multiple Sclerosis


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