Dear Nurses

Saturday, April 20, 2024



What is the MAR?

The MAR is the medication administration record.
It is a complete record which is kept on every patient.

It includes the patient's name, age, diagnosis, height,
weight and allergies. All medications ordered by the
doctor and a place to sign when medications are given.

Five rights:

There are 5 basic rights for medication administration.
Over time, more rights have been recognized. This may 
vary from 7 or more. Always follow your Institution's
policies and procedures, in order to avoid error.

Friday, April 19, 2024



Scenario: Paul had surgery on his back two days prior.
He is having pain and requests medication. The nurse
does an assessment.

Neumerical pain scale assessment

This a very useful tool when assessing pain. It is 
based on a scale of 0-10 ( 10 being the worst).
A ladder starts from the ground which is the
lowest point. It escalates to the highest point,
so does the pain. Pain scale:

0 = no pain
1-3 = mild pain
4-6 = pain is considered moderate
7-10 = pain is extreme or severe

Helpful hints:

Medication that is given by mouth, takes
longer to be absorbed than when it is given 
IM or IV.

It is important to do a pain assessment after
medication has been given. Documentation 
of the effect it has and any side effects, is 
also helpful. Learn more:
Safe medication administration

Thursday, April 18, 2024


Scenario 1: Lynn is a new RN. Her preceptor did not
do a good job explaining the correct way to do an 
assessment. Lynn is not aware of the mistake she
is about to make.

She goes to the bedside of a patient who does not respond. 
Her mistake is obvious, no assessment was done.To compound
the problem, Lynn leaves the pills at the patient's bedside. She 
then advises the patient , to take the medication when awake.

Scenario 2 : Lynn returns twenty minutes later. The 
medication she left at the bedside, has been removed. 
She has no idea who took it . She has still not taken
steps to do an assessment or document findings and
notify MD. This is by no means good clinical judgement.


Wednesday, April 17, 2024



 When a patient is admitted to a healthcare facility, 
 information such as allergies, past medical history,
 height, weight and medications taken, are all recorded.

This type of information is very important, as it will help
 the doctor when prescribing medications. It will also be
of use to the pharmacist with providing correct drug dosages.

Regardless of where a nurse works, medication administration 
 is done.The nurse who gives drugs of any kind, should take time, 
to ensure that everything is done correctly.

 Learn more: Nursing fundamentals

Helpful information for the clinical nurse

 Here are some of the ways in which errors may occur:
- Misreading MD orders. If the nurse is uncertain about
an order , it is best to communicate with the doctor or
 - Poor communication of information, for example
when a patient is  transferred from one unit to another
 - Improper dilution of medication ( always check
the manufacturer's instructions for proper dilution).
 - Drug incompatibility : an example - Dilantin is mixed with
Normal Saline.                          
- Confusing one drug with another, as some drugs have similar
- Distraction, like having a conversation while administering
 medications .             
 - Forgetting to document medications when given.                                              


Thursday, April 04, 2024


                           The Endocrine System is made up of glands that secrete hormones.
   Hormones are necessary for regulating normal body functions.      
    The information provided on hormones and the endocrine system
is intended to help the nurse understand this complex system.
           There are Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 , including quiz questions in each part. 

To learn more, please click on the link below: 
       Hormones and the Endocrine System