Dear Nurses

Friday, February 07, 2025



When a patient is admitted to a healthcare facility, 
 information such as allergies, past medical history,
 height, weight and medications taken, are all recorded.

This type of information is very important, as it will help
 the doctor when prescribing medications. It will also be
of use to the pharmacist with providing correct drug dosages.

Regardless of where a nurse works, medication administration 
 is done.The nurse who gives drugs of any kind, should take time, 
to ensure that everything is done correctly.

 Learn more: Nursing fundamentals

Helpful information for the clinical nurse

                               Clinical judgement         

Here are some of the ways in which medication
errors may occur:
-Misreading MD orders. If the nurse is uncertain
about an order , it is best to communicate with the
doctor or pharmacist.   
-   Poor communication of information, for example,
   when a patient is  transferred from one unit to
  - Improper dilution of medication ( always check
  the manufacturer's instructions for proper dilution). 
 - Drug incompatibility: An example - Dilantin
   can only be mixed with  Normal Saline.
- Confusing one drug with another, as some
    drugs have similar names.


Monday, February 03, 2025



     Hypothermia is defined as a drop in core temperature
     of less than 95 Fahrenheit (35 Celsius).Regardless of
     the cause, it is considered to be life-threatening. The
     postoperative patient is at risk for hypothermia. Fluid
     loss and exposure in the surgical suite, may predispose
      to hypothermia.

     Hypothermia increases the body's demand for oxygen
and if left untreated can lead to a myocardial infarction
      (heart attack). Trauma resulting in excessive blood loss, 
      as well as alcohol ingestion, may also lead to hypothermia.

What are some of the signs and symptoms of hypothermia?
Symptoms include: Shivering, blue lips, decrease in level 
of consciousness and cold extremities.

Homeless people may become hypothermic,
 due to prolonged exposure to cold weather.
Alcohol ingestion may lead to hypothermia.
 This is caused by vasodilation and significant
heat loss.