Dear nurses,
Updated 12/24 is no longer available.
What is Anorexia Nervosa?
Anorexia is identified as an eating disorder. People who
develop this condition, generally become
obsessed with
caloric intake and
weight gain.
This might involve such extremes as counting lettuce
leaves only as a meal. This unnatural perception of body
image may lead to abnormal weight loss and other health
Please click on the links below for updated info :
Scenario: Melissa is displaying signs of Bulimia Nervosa.
What is Bulimia Nervosa?
Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder. Typically, the person
who has this condition, engages in consuming large amounts
of food.
In an attempt to avoid weight gain, Melissa( in the image above)
uses laxatives, diuretics or vomiting to prevent weight gain. These
unhealthy practices may lead to other
health problems such a as
electrolyte imbalances and peptic ulcer.
Medical management is usually necessary to correct the problem
in both conditions listed above.