Dear Nurses

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Infection control

  Preventing the spread of infection should be a priority for every healthcare worker.
  In-service education in a healthcare facility, is done on a regular basis, to provide
the staff with tips to prevent infection. 

  Maintaining a safe work environment is crucial. There are ways to accomplish this.
Examples include: 
- Correct disposal of needles and syringes
- Ensuring needle holders are not too full 
                         - Using gloves appropriately, not like another pair of hands
- IV sites are maintained per protocol      
- Proper disposal of IV solutions.           
The consequences of  improper disposal can be fatal!   

 This is an example of what could happen when someone did not take the time to
dispose of IV fluids the correct way.

Friday, May 17, 2024


What is a seizure?

A seizure is considered to be a sudden outburst of
uncontrollable electrical activity from the neurons
in the brain. Involuntary contraction of muscles
usually occur and last for a short period. Seizures
may vary in duration and frequency.

Types of seizures

Generalized ( grand mal ) seizure - can be seen
when a patient has sudden, jerky movements
throughout the body. A patient may fall to the
ground and have loss of consciousness. Types
of generalized seizures include: tonic, clonic
and myotonic.

A partial (focal ) seizure, is also sudden and
confined to one part of the body.
Postictal - following a seizure, a patient may
 stay in a stuporous state for some minutes.

EEG ( Electroencephalogram) A diagnostic test ,
which is done to monitor seizure activity. This
test is usually ordered by the doctor.

Patient safety during a seizure

When a seizure occurs, patient safety should
 be a major concern. A patient who has a 
history of seizures, should already be on
anticonvulsant medications. 
"seizure precations " sign is usually
posted over the bed.

Here are some helpful hints:
- Follow MD orders
- Protect the patient from harm
- Maintaining a patent airway; turn head to the side, if necessary,
  to prevent airway obstruction
- Keeping bed rails up , to prevent the patient falling out of bed
- Monitoring duration and character of seizure
- After seizure, assessment and documentation of, vital signs, O2 saturation,
- notifying MD of patient status

It is important to protect the seizure patient from falling and getting injured.


Saturday, April 20, 2024



What is the MAR?

The MAR is the medication administration record.
It is a complete record which is kept on every patient.

It includes the patient's name, age, diagnosis, height,
weight and allergies. All medications ordered by the
doctor and a place to sign when medications are given.

Five rights:

There are 5 basic rights for medication administration.
Over time, more rights have been recognized. This may 
vary from 7 or more. Always follow your Institution's
policies and procedures, in order to avoid error.

Friday, April 19, 2024



Scenario: Paul had surgery on his back two days prior.
He is having pain and requests medication. The nurse
does an assessment.

Neumerical pain scale assessment

This a very useful tool when assessing pain. It is 
based on a scale of 0-10 ( 10 being the worst).
A ladder starts from the ground which is the
lowest point. It escalates to the highest point,
so does the pain. Pain scale:

0 = no pain
1-3 = mild pain
4-6 = pain is considered moderate
7-10 = pain is extreme or severe

Helpful hints:

Medication that is given by mouth, takes
longer to be absorbed than when it is given 
IM or IV.

It is important to do a pain assessment after
medication has been given. Documentation 
of the effect it has and any side effects, is 
also helpful. Learn more:
Safe medication administration

Thursday, April 18, 2024


    • When a patient is admitted to a healthcare facility,
       information such as allergies, past medical history,
      height, weight and medications 
      are taken and recorded.

      This will help  the doctor when prescribing medications.
       It will also be of use 
      to the pharmacist with providing
      correct drug dosages.



     Regardless of where a nurse works, 
    medication administration is done.
    The nurse who gives drugs of any kind,
    should take the 
    time, to ensure
     that everything is done correctly.
    Learn more: 
    Nursing fundamentals 

    Here are some of the ways in which errors may occur: 

     - Misreading MD orders. If the nurse is uncertain
      about an order , it is best to communicate with the
    or pharmacist.                               
    - Poor communication of information, for example,
    when a patient is  transferred from one unit to another.
    - Improper dilution of medication ( always check
    instructions for proper dilution).           
    - Drug incompatibility ; an example, is Dilantin is
     mixed with Normal Saline.                         
    - Confusing one drug with another, as some drugs
       have similar names.                         
    - Distraction, like having a conversation while
    medications .       
    - Forgetting to document medications when given.                                              



    Scenario 1: Lynn is a new RN. Her preceptor did not
    do a good job explaining the correct way to do an 
    assessment. Lynn is not aware of the mistake she
    is about to make.

    She goes to the bedside of a patient who does not respond. 
    Her mistake is obvious, no assessment was done.To compound
    the problem, Lynn leaves the pills at the patient's bedside. She 
    then advises the patient , to take the medication when awake.

    Scenario 2 : Lynn returns twenty minutes later. The 
    medication she left at the bedside, has been removed. 
    She has no idea who took it . She has still not taken
    steps to do an assessment or document findings and
    notify MD. This is by no means good clinical judgement.


    Thursday, April 04, 2024


                               The Endocrine System is made up of glands that secrete hormones.
       Hormones are necessary for regulating normal body functions.      
        The information provided on hormones and the endocrine system
    is intended to help the nurse understand this complex system.
               There are Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 , including quiz questions in each part. 

    To learn more, please click on the link below: 
           Hormones and the Endocrine System                      


    Thursday, February 22, 2024



    Dear nurses,

    There is no denying that the Nursing profession has come 
    a long way. We need only look back at the Florence
    Nightingale era and can clearly see the advancements.

    These specialties, were once  non-existent, but have
     become commonplace. is no longer
    available, but has been replaced by the links below.
    Learn more, by clicking on the links:

    -  ICP Monitoring
    Hemodynamic Monitoring
    - Hemodialysis
    - Clinical judgement